Ride on rideon Lawnmowers lawnmower sales and service Armagh, newry, portadown Northern Ireland , Chainsaw's etc. Services
Service & Repair
Here at Gosford Equipment Ltd you will find a fully fitted service centre, to offer the best service to our customers. We carry out all our own service, repairs and warranty work for the brands we sell. Our technicians carry out all electrical, hydraulic, mechanical and engine work on site
We carry a wide range of genuine & replacement spares and consumables in stock
Services carried out:
Walk Behind Lawnmower service (Starting @ £35)
Ride on Lawnmower service (Starting @ £75)
Chainsaw service & Repair
Chainsaw blade sharpening
Hedge Trimmer sharpening
General Small engine repair and maintenance
A collection service is available - Price dependent on location
TEL: 028 3755 2749

We sell, service and repair walk behind lawnmowers, ride on lawn mowers, chinsaws, strimmes, concrete saws, cement mixers, generators, scarifiers, brush cutters, blowers, log splitters, pressure washers, water pumps and supply and fit spare parts mainly in Northern Ireland, Co. Armagh, Co. Down & Co. Monaghan. Local towns are Markethill, Armagh, Newry, Portadown, Banbridge, Lurgan, Tandragee, Richhill, Hamiltonsbawn, Poyntzpass, Newtownhamilton, Monaghan, Keady, Besbrook, Laurelvale, Mountnorris, Loughgilly, Middletown, Loughbrickland, Scarva, Gilford, Benburb, Killyea, Caledon, Moy & Dungannon. Products brands are Castelgarden, countax, mountfield, alko, snapper, stiga, alpina, sandrigarden, husqvarna, Echo, Makita, dolmar, lawnking, bluebird, the Handy, Masport, Hitachi, Tanaka etc.